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作者:奇异果体育官网登录 发布时间:2024-10-22 12:57:01 次浏览

Chinese regulators said they would be working this Friday to tackle any abuses by merchants on Singles Day, China’s festival

本文摘要:Chinese regulators said they would be working this Friday to tackle any abuses by merchants on Singles Day, China’s festival of consumption and the biggest online shopping day worldwide.中国监管机构回应,在本星期五的“光棍节”,他们将希望压制商家的任何不端不道德。

Chinese regulators said they would be working this Friday to tackle any abuses by merchants on Singles Day, China’s festival of consumption and the biggest online shopping day worldwide.中国监管机构回应,在本星期五的“光棍节”,他们将希望压制商家的任何不端不道德。那一天是中国的购物节、全球网购成交额最低的一天。

Every November 11 — Singles Day is named after the “double elevens” (11-11) celebrating single life — Chinese consumers go online in droves to buy sale-priced merchandise on ecommerce sites such as Alibaba and JD.com. Alibaba’s transactions alone exceeded $14bn last year and are expected to grow this year.每年11月11日——人们不会在“双十一”(11-11)庆典单身生活,“光棍节”由此故名——大量中国消费者到阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和京东(JD.com)等电商平台出售折价商品。去年光棍节,意味着阿里巴巴一家的成交额之后多达了140亿美元,今年预计还不会更高。In previous years, merchants have been accused of a number of abuses — most annoying to Chinese online shoppers are “fake discounts”, in which sellers jack up prices in the weeks before Singles Day only to lower them dramatically on the day itself. Sellers say they are under huge pressure from Alibaba to offer discounts, in return for which they are given advantageous placement online.过去几年,商家被谴责展开了大量舞弊作法——最令其中国网购者喜欢的是“假折扣”,即商家在光棍节之前的几周把价格徵低,到光棍节当天再行戏剧性下调价格。

卖家们回应,阿里巴巴向他们产生了极大压力,拒绝他们折扣,以交换条件不利的线上方位。Other problems endemic to ecommerce in China, such as selling fake goods and fake reporting of sales — are also in the crosshairs of Chinese regulators.中国电子商务大量不存在的其他问题——如出售假冒伪劣产品和虚报销售数字——也都沦为中国监管机构的打击目标。On Tuesday, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) said it had met Alibaba, JD.com and several other Chinese internet companies, warning them against tolerating abuses by merchants online.周二,中国国家工商行政管理总局(SAIC)回应,已约谈了阿里巴巴、京东和其他几家中国互联网公司,警告他们不要忽视网上商家的不端不道德。

“The SAIC will strengthen market supervision...monitor and manage online marketplaces according to law, and together with the majority of industry players, jointly create an online market environment of fair competition and an environment for online consumption that is safe and secure,” it said.工商总局回应,“我们将强化市场监管……依法监控和管理网购平台,并与广大业内人士一起,联合营造公平竞争的在线市场环境和安全可靠的在线消费环境。”An Alibaba spokesperson said “We are the industry leader in combating unfair and illicit practices; We never tolerate malpractices by merchants on our marketplaces.”阿里巴巴的一名发言人回应:“我们是压制不不顾一切和非法行为的行业领导者;我们决不忽视商家在我们平台上的不端不道德。”A JD.com spokesperson said: “Our commitment to quality products and service has always been a key differentiator for us in this market and we employ additional resources for major sales to keep that promise even during the busiest periods.”京东的一名发言人回应:“我们对于优质产品和服务的允诺,仍然是我们在这个市场上与众不同的一个关键特点,对于根本性销售,我们投放更加多资源保证在最挤迫时期也坚决遵守我们的允诺。

”The SAIC is not the only regulator wanting to police Singles Day: last month, the National Development and Reform Commission, a government agency in charge of economic planning, said it would focus on combating fake reviews on Singles Day.工商总局并不是无意整顿光棍节的唯一监管机构。上月,政府经济规划部门国家发改委(NDRC)回应,将把重点放到压制光棍节的欺诈评论上。



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